Tuesday 4 September 2012

Clothing Haul

 I went shopping today and picked up some lovely pieces ready for when I go back to college on Friday ( a silly day to go back, I know!) I wanted to pick up a few things to add to my wardrobe because it's always nice to spice things up with some new bits because if you are anything like me you will have your favourite pieces that just get worn to death and it looks like you wear the same thing all the time! So now hopefully I will be able to wear something different, for a while atleast!
It's getting colder and winter is coming, and I am kind of excited about it because I absolutely love layering up when it comes to my outfits! So I have just bought some more jumpers to shove over things, I love my jumpers to be baggy and comfy because I tend to just throw them on and snuggle up in them! But if you pick jumpers with prints or nice patterns they will still be a valuable piece and statement to any outfit!
I also bought some pretty frilly socks from Topshop, they were 3for£5 so I went for it as they were just so cute, although I know you could probably get them cheaper in Primark! But the ones I picked have frills or a very pretty cut out pattern! I choose white as it's goes with anything and a sneaky pink pair for my more colourful days!
I am in LOVE with these shoes, they are very similar to the Alegra boots that caused a fashion frenzy last year and sold out EVERYWHERE, these little guys are just as popular and stores are already running out of stock! I'll be writing a review about them so you can read more on these beauties there!
Others things I bought include a ring, Bastiste dry shampoo, a stretch skirt and some American Apparel Dupe leggings (which I will be reviewing soon!)

Also, I've been really bad and ordered some stuff online so I will have packages to show you soon, and I have planned to go shopping with my mum on Saturday so I will probably be buying more stuff then! I know it's bad but I can't help myself, I have been working hard all summer earning money and now it's time for that hard work to pay off, right? hehe

Clara xx

Sunday 2 September 2012

The face behind 'The Fashion Basement'

Hello everyone! So this is my attempt to start blogging on a regular basis and hopefully to provide some interesting and useful posts to the world! I thought I would write a little welcome message and answer a few questions that you will probably be wandering if you have stumbled across this blog...

Who Am I?
My name is Clara and I'm a 17 year old student from the lovely countryside in Norfolk, although I was born and spent the first 7 years of my life in Harrow, London! I am at college in my 2nd year studying English Lit, History and Psychology.

Why have I started a blog?
I wanted to start a blog so that I had a creative outlet, somewhere that I could post what I wanted and speak about the things the I like and maybe get feedback or create a discussion with the lovely people that spend time reading what I write! I also wanted to share my love for fashion and make-up and hopefully share some helpful tips and advice that i've picked up through the years!

What is this blog about?
 I am hoping to make this a fully rounded blog filled with a bit of everything, but I am unsure what it should be defined as yet. However I am certain that it will have fashion and beauty aspects to it, but I am still looking for that specific thing that I can add to my blog to give it a unique 'Clara' feel that differentiates it from other fashion blogs! (I SHALL KEEP YOU UPDATED ON THIS)

When will I post?
 I am planning on creating a little timetable (geeky I know but that's me!) so that I know when and what I am posting on each day, I find I work better when I have a set plan to stick to! I will aim to post 2-3 times a week, but sometimes more! In the next few days I will have created a timetable and I will post it!

So now here is my question to you..... what do YOU think?
The aim of this blog is to interact with you guys and to ultimately create a blog which you find yourself wanting to read every week, so your opinions are vital to this blogs success! So what do you think about what I have said so far, and do you have any ideas, tips or hints that you want to share with me as I start and develop this blog?

THANK-YOU so much for reading this and taking an interest, even if you did just stumble upon this blog accidently! Look forward to posting again soon, I will be working hard to make this work!
